Criticize Donald Trump, get your site smashed offline from Russia

It has been an odd day for Newsweek – its main site was taken offline after it published a story claiming a company owned by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump broke an embargo against doing deals with Cuba. The magazine first thought that the sheer volume of interest in its scoop was the cause for Read more about Criticize Donald Trump, get your site smashed offline from Russia[…]

AI Machine-learning models vulnerable to reverse engineering

In a paper [PDF] presented in August at the 25th Annual Usenix Security Symposium, researchers at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Cornell University, and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed that machine learning models can be stolen and that basic security measures don’t really mitigate attacks. Machine learning models may, for example, Read more about AI Machine-learning models vulnerable to reverse engineering[…]

Non Root systemd bug crashes systems

systemd fails an assertion in manager_invoke_notify_message when a zero-length message is received over /run/systemd/notify. This allows a local user to perform a denial-of-service attack against PID 1.Proof-of-concept:NOTIFY_SOCKET=/run/systemd/notify systemd-notify “” Source: Assertion failure when PID 1 receives a zero-length message over notify socket · Issue #4234 · systemd/systemd · GitHub