Cross-Cultural Study on Recognition of Emoticon’s shows that different cultures see emojis differently

Emoticons are getting more popular as the new communication channel to express feelings in online communication. Although familiarity to emoticons depends on cultures, how exposure matters in emotion recognition from emoticon is still open. To address this issue, we conducted a cross-cultural experimental study among Cameroon and Tanzania (hunter-gatherers, swidden farmers, pastoralists, and city dwellers) Read more about Cross-Cultural Study on Recognition of Emoticon’s shows that different cultures see emojis differently[…]

39 episodes of ‘CSI’ used to build AI’s natural language model

group of University of Edinburgh boffins have turned CSI:Crime Scene Investigation scripts into a natural language training dataset.Their aim is to improve how bots understand what’s said to them – natural language understanding.Drawing on 39 episodes from the first five seasons of the series, Lea Freeman, Shay Cohen and Mirella Lapata have broken the scripts Read more about 39 episodes of ‘CSI’ used to build AI’s natural language model[…]