Dutch cops hope to cuff ‘hundreds’ of suspects after snatching server, snooping on 250,000+ encrypted IronChat texts

Dutch police claim to have snooped on more than a quarter of a million encrypted messages sent between alleged miscreants using BlackBox IronPhones. The extraordinary claim was made in a press conference on Tuesday, in which officers working on a money-laundering investigation reckoned they had been able to see crims chatting “live for some time.” Read more about Dutch cops hope to cuff ‘hundreds’ of suspects after snatching server, snooping on 250,000+ encrypted IronChat texts[…]

AINED looks at a Dutch national AI strategy – calls for info (Dutch)

De initiatiefnemers van AINED ontwikkelen met ondersteuning van de Boston Consulting Group (BCG) en DenkWerk een Nationale Strategie Artificial Intelligence (AI) voor Nederland, geïnitieerd door het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. Het projectteam doet dit vanuit de overtuiging dat in het Nederlandse landschap de mogelijkheden van AI nog te weinig worden benut, en de Read more about AINED looks at a Dutch national AI strategy – calls for info (Dutch)[…]