Windows 10 security question: How do miscreants use these for post-hack persistence?

Crafty infosec researchers have figured out how to remotely set answers to Windows 10’s password reset questions “without even executing code on the targeted machine”. Thanks to some alarmingly straightforward registry tweaks allied with a simple Python script, Illusive Networks’ Magal Baz and Tom Sela were not only able to remotely define their own choice Read more about Windows 10 security question: How do miscreants use these for post-hack persistence?[…]

I Tried Predictim AI That Scans for ‘Risky’ Babysitters. Turns out founders don’t have kids

The founders of Predictim want to be clear with me: Their product—an algorithm that scans the online footprint of a prospective babysitter to determine their “risk” levels for parents—is not racist. It is not biased. “We take ethics and bias extremely seriously,” Sal Parsa, Predictim’s CEO, tells me warily over the phone. “In fact, in Read more about I Tried Predictim AI That Scans for ‘Risky’ Babysitters. Turns out founders don’t have kids[…]