Satellite plane-tracking goes global

The US firm Aireon says its new satellite surveillance network is now fully live and being trialled over the North Atlantic. The system employs a constellation of 66 spacecraft, which monitor the situational messages pumped out by aircraft transponders. These report a plane’s position, altitude, direction and speed every eight seconds. The two big navigation Read more about Satellite plane-tracking goes global[…]

Dutch  medical patient files moved to Google Cloud – MPs want to know if US intelligence agencies can view them

Of course the US can look in, under CLOUD rules, because Google is an American company. The move of the files has been done without consent from the patients by Medical Research Data Management, a commercial company, because (they say), the hospitals have given permission. Also, hospitals don’t need to ask for patient permission, because Read more about Dutch  medical patient files moved to Google Cloud – MPs want to know if US intelligence agencies can view them[…]

540 Million Facebook User Records Exposed Online, Plus Passwords, Comments, and More

Researchers at the cybersecurity firm UpGuard on Wednesday said they had discovered the existence of two datasets together containing the personal data of hundreds of millions of Facebook users. Both were left publicly accessible. In a blog post, UpGuard connected one of the leaky databases to a Mexico-based media company called Cultura Colectiva. The data Read more about 540 Million Facebook User Records Exposed Online, Plus Passwords, Comments, and More[…]

A patchy Apache a-patchin: HTTP server gets fix for worrying root access hole

Apache HTTP Server has been given a patch to address a potentially serious elevation of privilege vulnerability. Designated CVE-2019-0211, the flaw allows a “worker” process to change its privileges when the host server resets itself, potentially allowing anyone with a local account to run commands with root clearance, essentially giving them complete control over the Read more about A patchy Apache a-patchin: HTTP server gets fix for worrying root access hole[…]

Linux Mint 19.2 ‘Tina’ is on the way, but the developers seem defeated and depressed

I have been a bit critical of Linux Mint in the past, but the truth is, it is a great distribution that many people enjoy. While Mint is not my favorite desktop distro (that would be Fedora), I recognize its quality. Is it perfect? No, there is no such thing as a flawless Linux-based operating Read more about Linux Mint 19.2 ‘Tina’ is on the way, but the developers seem defeated and depressed[…]