Epic Games start Free Fortnite cup time with awesome prizes incl a rotten apple skin

As PC Gamer’s Fortnite guy, I’ve written many a guide to Epic’s various tournaments, cash cups, and special events, but few have ever been as weird as this one. On Thursday evening, Epic announced the #FreeFortnite Cup, a new tournament seemingly designed to continue Epic’s campaign against Apple and Google. Barring a legal miracle, it’s Read more about Epic Games start Free Fortnite cup time with awesome prizes incl a rotten apple skin[…]

Apple cut off updates to completely free WordPress app until it adds in app purchases because it wants 30 percent

WordPress, the iOS app, lets you build and manage a website right from your iPhone or iPad, for free. Separately, WordPress.com also happens to sell domain names and fancier website packages. Now, WordPress founding developer Matt Mullenweg is accusing Apple of cutting off the ability to update that app — until or unless he adds Read more about Apple cut off updates to completely free WordPress app until it adds in app purchases because it wants 30 percent[…]