‘Counterportation’: Quantum breakthrough paves way for world-first experimental wormhole

[…] The invention, by a University of Bristol physicist, who gave it the name “counterportation,” provides the first-ever practical blueprint for creating in the lab a wormhole that verifiably bridges space, as a probe into the inner workings of the universe. By deploying a novel computing scheme, revealed in the journal Quantum Science and Technology, Read more about ‘Counterportation’: Quantum breakthrough paves way for world-first experimental wormhole[…]

AlphaGo pushed human Go players to become more creative

Earlier this year, an amateur Go player decisively defeated one of the game’s top-ranked AI systems. They did so using a strategy developed with the help of a program researchers designed to probe systems like KataGo for weaknesses. It turns out that victory is just one part of a broader Go renaissance that is seeing Read more about AlphaGo pushed human Go players to become more creative[…]

Unique image obtained by scientists with high-speed camera shows how lightning rods work

[…] “The image was captured on a summer evening in São José dos Campos [in São Paulo state] while a negatively charged lightning bolt was nearing the ground at 370 km per second. When it was a few dozen meters from ground level, lightning rods and tall objects on the tops of nearby buildings produced Read more about Unique image obtained by scientists with high-speed camera shows how lightning rods work[…]