That Which Copyright Destroys, ‘Pirates’ Can Save

There’s an interesting post on TorrentFreak that concerns so-called “pirate” subtitles for films. It’s absurd that anyone could consider subtitles to be piracy in any way. They are a good example of how ordinary people can add value by generously helping others enjoy films and TV programs in languages they don’t understand. In no sense do “pirate” Read more about That Which Copyright Destroys, ‘Pirates’ Can Save[…]

‘Eventually it will just be a barcode, won’t it?’ Why Britain’s new stamps are causing outrage and upset

Royal Mail’s stamps are finally entering the digital world, with printed codes that can be used to track letters or linked to videos. Collectors, traditionalists and royalists are not amused […] In February, Royal Mail introduced a new design for its standard stamps, which have changed so little since the launch of the Penny Black Read more about ‘Eventually it will just be a barcode, won’t it?’ Why Britain’s new stamps are causing outrage and upset[…]