Paper Cups Are Bad for the Environment Too, Study Finds

[…] A study published last month in the journal Environmental Pollution outlines how paper cups can leach toxic materials into the surrounding environment. This is because paper cups are often coated in a layer of polylactic acid, otherwise known as PLA. It’s a bioplastic and is touted as a biodegradable alternative to traditional plastic. However, Read more about Paper Cups Are Bad for the Environment Too, Study Finds[…]

Watch Oscilloscope Kickstarter rewards sent – 10 years after backing

It may have taken ten years to come through on this particular Kickstarter, but a promise is a promise. In late August 2023, backers who had since likely forgotten all about the project started receiving their oscilloscope watches from creator [Gabriel Anzziani]. Whatever the reason(s) for the delay, the watch looks great, and is miles Read more about Watch Oscilloscope Kickstarter rewards sent – 10 years after backing[…]

Some Galaxies Contain Double Supermassive Black Holes

Blazars occupy an intriguing spot in the cosmic zoo. They’re bright active galactic nuclei (AGN) that blast out cosmic rays, are bright in radio emission, and sport huge jets of material traveling in our direction at nearly the speed of light. For some blazars, their jets look curvy and snaky and astronomers have questions. […] Read more about Some Galaxies Contain Double Supermassive Black Holes[…]

antiX 23: Ultralightweight minimal Debian 12 desktop

The latest release of antiX is Linux how it used to be, in the good way. It’s not the friendliest, but it does everything – and, wow, it’s fast. The “proudly antifascist” antiX project has released its latest edition, based on Debian 12. This release is codenamed Arditi del Popolo – “the People’s Daring Ones” Read more about antiX 23: Ultralightweight minimal Debian 12 desktop[…]