Palworld Is a Great Example Of The Idea/Expression Dichotomy | Techdirt

When it comes to copyright suits or conflicts that never should have existed, one of the most common misunderstandings that births them is not understanding the idea/expression dichotomy in copyright law. Even to most laypeople, once you explain it, it’s quite simple. You can copyright a specific expression of something, such as literature, recorded music, Read more about Palworld Is a Great Example Of The Idea/Expression Dichotomy | Techdirt[…]

EU forces Apple to open up to third-party app stores and payments. Details emerge what it will look like.

Apple is making major changes to the App Store and other core parts of iOS in Europe in response to new European Union laws. Beginning in March, Apple will allow users within the EU to download apps and make purchases from outside of its App Store. The company is already testing many of these changes Read more about EU forces Apple to open up to third-party app stores and payments. Details emerge what it will look like.[…]

Newly discovered smoking stars emit huge clouds.

Astronomers have discovered stars that appear to be blowing out plumes of smoke. The “old smokers”, as they have been nicknamed, challenge our ideas of what happens at the end of giant stars’ lives. Generally, when red giant stars grow old, they begin to pulsate. They become brighter, dimmer, brighter again and so on, while Read more about Newly discovered smoking stars emit huge clouds.[…]

Florida EV Buyers Shocked To Learn Their Cars Eat Tires

EV buyers are often motivated by a desire to save money on gas and/or drive something more environmentally friendly. But, a recent story out of Florida in The Miami Herald details how EV owners there have been blindsided by how fast they’re having to change the tires on their EVs. The Herald spoke with the Read more about Florida EV Buyers Shocked To Learn Their Cars Eat Tires[…]

Akira ransomware gang says it stole personnel passport scans and other PII from Lush

The Akira ransomware gang is claiming responsiblity for the “cybersecurity incident” at British bath bomb merchant. Akira says it has stolen 110 GB of data from the UK-headquartered global cosmetics giant, which has more than 900 stores worldwide, allegedly including “a lot of personal documents” such as passport scans. Passport scans are routinely collected to Read more about Akira ransomware gang says it stole personnel passport scans and other PII from Lush[…]