Why the Google antitrust complaint is not about Microsoft

This is an interesting read: It’s about the current EU antitrust complaint filed against Google – not by Microsoft, as it happens. It covers whitelisting of people and Google using its search engine results to push its own services, which is anti-competitive. Specifically two examples are mentioned: on line map services (where MapQuest lost out Read more about Why the Google antitrust complaint is not about Microsoft[…]

Dutch fingerprint database supposedly safe in 3rd party hands

The current (demissionary) minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin has made himself a total idiot by declaring a database into which he wants to put fingerprints of all the Netherlands ‘safe’. Hasn’t he learnt yet, when it comes to databases, there is no such thing as safe?! Further, the data will be stored at a third, non-governmental Read more about Dutch fingerprint database supposedly safe in 3rd party hands[…]

EC wants global filter: claims kiddyporn

That’s how these misused things always start – anti-terrorlaws, jew extermination: no, we just want to do this one little thing. Once the mechanism is in there, well we might just as well increase its functionalities just a little bit – it’s there anyway! Anyway, the EC wants to implement a technically totally unviable kiddy Read more about EC wants global filter: claims kiddyporn[…]