Samsung TVs listen to you and send your words far away

“If you do not enable Voice Recognition, you will not be able to use interactive voice recognition features, although you may be able to control your TV using certain predefined voice commands. While Samsung will not collect your spoken word, Samsung may still collect associated texts and other usage data so that we can evaluate Read more about Samsung TVs listen to you and send your words far away[…]

EU politicians use outlook in the cloud, surprised all their base belongs to USA

How is it possible these muffheads running Europe didn’t realise this? If you put stuff in American cloud it is giving it away to the NSA FBI and any other 3 letter US acronym you can think of. And these dozy fuckers are surprised it’s going badly with the economy? And that people don’t like Read more about EU politicians use outlook in the cloud, surprised all their base belongs to USA[…]