Windows 10 May Delete Your Programs Without Asking

Windows may remove programs during an update for compatibility reasons. If a program is known to cause crashes, bugs, or otherwise conflict with Windows, Windows may remove it to keep your system stable. If this happens, the “All of your files are exactly where you left them” screen will appear like normal–this screen always appears Read more about Windows 10 May Delete Your Programs Without Asking[…]

McGill University models a biological computer chip using proteins instead of electric charges

But in the case of the biocomputer, the city is a chip measuring about 1.5 cm square in which channels have been etched. Instead of the electrons that are propelled by an electrical charge and move around within a traditional microchip, short strings of proteins (which the researchers call biological agents) travel around the circuit Read more about McGill University models a biological computer chip using proteins instead of electric charges[…]

3D printed items can be reversed engineered using a smartphone to listen to the sound of the printing proces

The team, led by Mohammad Al Faruque, director of UCI’s Advanced Integrated Cyber-Physical Systems Lab, showed that a device as ordinary and ubiquitous as a smartphone can be placed next to a machine and capture acoustic signals that carry information about the precise movements of the printer’s nozzle. The recording can then be used to Read more about 3D printed items can be reversed engineered using a smartphone to listen to the sound of the printing proces[…]

Borgbackup, Deduplicating Archiver v1.0.0 released

BorgBackup (short: Borg) is a deduplicating backup program. Optionally, it supports compression and authenticated encryption.The main goal of Borg is to provide an efficient and secure way to backup data. The data deduplication technique used makes Borg suitable for daily backups since only changes are stored. The authenticated encryption technique makes it suitable for backups Read more about Borgbackup, Deduplicating Archiver v1.0.0 released[…]

Pwn all cars by using the car mechanic PC as an attack vector

“These (mechanics) tool have the codes to read and write firmware and if it is compromised by a malicious car it can modify the firmware of other cars that come in afterwards,” Smith told Vulture South at the Nullcon security conference in Goa, India. Smith’s mechanic malware compromises of learning, simulation, and attack modes. Learning Read more about Pwn all cars by using the car mechanic PC as an attack vector[…]

The Trouble With the TPP, Day 50: The Case Against Ratifying the Trans Pacific Partnership – Michael Geist

Nearly two-and-a-half months ago, I started a daily examination of the Trans Pacific Partnership focused on the intellectual property and digital policy issues raised by the agreement. My initial plan for the Trouble with the TPP series was to write for one month leading up to the planned signing in New Zealand on February 4th. Read more about The Trouble With the TPP, Day 50: The Case Against Ratifying the Trans Pacific Partnership – Michael Geist[…]