Amazon randomly kills PriceZombie price comparison site

Unfortunately, it seems our service has to come to an untimely end. After being previously told we were in 100% compliance with the rules, our Amazon affiliate account was closed a few months ago. Amazon claimed we were violating their rules against showing product and price information that was more than 24 hours old. Obviously, Read more about Amazon randomly kills PriceZombie price comparison site[…]

Amazon randomly destroys price tracking site PriceZombie

Unfortunately, it seems our service has to come to an untimely end. After being previously told we were in 100% compliance with the rules, our Amazon affiliate account was closed a few months ago. Amazon claimed we were violating their rules against showing product and price information that was more than 24 hours old. Obviously, Read more about Amazon randomly destroys price tracking site PriceZombie[…]

Dark Patterns make you do stuff you don’t want to on websites

Everyone has been there. So in 2010, London-based UX designer Harry Brignull decided he’d document it. Brignull’s website,, offers plenty of examples of deliberately confusing or deceptive user interfaces. These dark patterns trick unsuspecting users into a gamut of actions: setting up recurring payments, purchasing items surreptitiously added to a shopping cart, or spamming Read more about Dark Patterns make you do stuff you don’t want to on websites[…]