Governments, Apple, Google spying on users through push notifications – they all go through Apple and Google servers (unencrypted?)!

In a letter to the Department of Justice, Senator Ron Wyden said foreign officials were demanding the data from Alphabet’s (GOOGL.O) Google and Apple (AAPL.O). Although details were sparse, the letter lays out yet another path by which governments can track smartphones. Apps of all kinds rely on push notifications to alert smartphone users to Read more about Governments, Apple, Google spying on users through push notifications – they all go through Apple and Google servers (unencrypted?)![…]

Global Climate Tipping points: threats and opportunities accelerate and going very quickly now. Action is needed.

The world has reached a pivotal moment as threats from Earth system tipping points – and progress towards positive tipping points – accelerate, a new report shows Story highlights Rapid changes to nature and societies already happening, and more coming The report makes six key recommendations to change course fast A cascade of positive tipping Read more about Global Climate Tipping points: threats and opportunities accelerate and going very quickly now. Action is needed.[…]

AI Alliance Launches as an International Community of Leading Technology Developers, Researchers, and Adopters Collaborating Together to Advance Open, Safe, Responsible AI

IBM and Meta Launch the AI Alliance in collaboration with over 50 Founding Members and Collaborators globally including AMD, Anyscale, CERN, Cerebras, Cleveland Clinic, Cornell University, Dartmouth, Dell Technologies, EPFL, ETH, Hugging Face, Imperial College London, Intel, INSAIT, Linux Foundation, MLCommons, MOC Alliance operated by Boston University and Harvard University, NASA, NSF, Oracle, Partnership on Read more about AI Alliance Launches as an International Community of Leading Technology Developers, Researchers, and Adopters Collaborating Together to Advance Open, Safe, Responsible AI[…]

Richard Branson’s wallet too small to support Space travel

Sir Richard Branson is leaving his space tourism company, Virgin Galactic, to stand or fall on its own two feet after declaring that his business empire will not be tipping any more cash into the project. Branson told the Financial Times: “We don’t have the deepest pockets after COVID, and Virgin Galactic has got $1 Read more about Richard Branson’s wallet too small to support Space travel[…]

Alternative browsers about to die? Firefox may soon be delisted in the US govt support matrix :'(

A somewhat obscure guideline for developers of U.S. government websites may be about to accelerate the long, sad decline of Mozilla’s Firefox browser. There already are plenty of large entities, both public and private, whose websites lack proper support for Firefox; and that will get only worse in the near future, because the ’fox’s auburn Read more about Alternative browsers about to die? Firefox may soon be delisted in the US govt support matrix :'([…]

Microsoft confirms Smart App issue renaming printers to HP, installing HP apps and drivers for no reason

No, it isn’t your imagination. Windows really is installing the HP Smart App and renaming printers without user interaction. Microsoft has updated its Windows release health dashboard to admit a problem exists. The title of the issue says it all: “Printer names and icons might be changed and HP Smart app automatically installs.” The problem Read more about Microsoft confirms Smart App issue renaming printers to HP, installing HP apps and drivers for no reason[…]

SpyLoan apps don’t give you loans but blackmail you, steal your money, downloaded 12m times on Android – Apple won’t tell you how often they get duped

Since the beginning of 2023, ESET researchers have observed an alarming growth of deceptive Android loan apps, which present themselves as legitimate personal loan services, promising quick and easy access to funds. Despite their attractive appearance, these services are in fact designed to defraud users by offering them high-interest-rate loans endorsed with deceitful descriptions, all Read more about SpyLoan apps don’t give you loans but blackmail you, steal your money, downloaded 12m times on Android – Apple won’t tell you how often they get duped[…]