Mind-reading AI can translate brainwaves into written text

Using only a sensor-filled helmet combined with artificial intelligence, a team of scientists has announced they can turn a person’s thoughts into written words. In the study, participants read passages of text while wearing a cap that recorded electrical brain activity through their scalp. These electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings were then converted into text using an Read more about Mind-reading AI can translate brainwaves into written text[…]

US Law enforcement can obtain prescription records from pharmacy giants without a warrant

America’s eight largest pharmacy providers shared customers’ prescription records to law enforcement when faced with subpoena requests, The Washington Post reported Tuesday. The news arrives amid patients’ growing privacy concerns in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2022 overturn of Roe v. Wade. The new look into the legal workarounds was first detailed in a Read more about US Law enforcement can obtain prescription records from pharmacy giants without a warrant[…]

Italian “Piracy Shield” Instant Facisct Takedown Orders Apply to All ISPs, DNS & VPN Providers & Google

Italy’s Piracy Shield anti-piracy system reportedly launched last week, albeit in limited fashion. Whether the platform had any impact on pirate IPTV providers offering the big game last Friday is unclear but plans supporting a full-on assault are pressing ahead. […] When lawmakers gave Italy’s new blocking regime the green light during the summer, the Read more about Italian “Piracy Shield” Instant Facisct Takedown Orders Apply to All ISPs, DNS & VPN Providers & Google[…]

Jury finds Google’s Play store is illegal monopoly – now… Apple?

The case was heard by the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. As The Register has reported, the matter tested Epic’s allegations that Google stifles competition by requiring developers to pay it commissions even if they use third-party payment services, and paid some developers to secure their exclusive presence on the Read more about Jury finds Google’s Play store is illegal monopoly – now… Apple?[…]

Proposed US surveillance regime makes anyone with a modem a big brother spy. Choice is between full on spying and full on spying.

Under rules being considered, any telecom service provider or business with custodial access to telecom equipment – a hotel IT technician, an employee at a cafe with Wi-Fi, or a contractor responsible for installing home broadband router – could be compelled to enable electronic surveillance. And this would apply not only to those involved with Read more about Proposed US surveillance regime makes anyone with a modem a big brother spy. Choice is between full on spying and full on spying.[…]

Zooniverse – help explore space, the planet, medicine, science!

[…] At the Zooniverse, anyone can be a researcherYou don’t need any specialised background, training, or expertise to participate in any Zooniverse projects. We make it easy for anyone to contribute to real academic research, on their own computer, at their own convenience.You’ll be able to study authentic objects of interest gathered by researchers, like Read more about Zooniverse – help explore space, the planet, medicine, science![…]

Frostquakes are a thing now – being found in the North

A new study has identified a potentially growing natural hazard in the north: frostquakes. With climate change contributing to many observed changes in weather extremes, such as heavy precipitation and cold waves, these seismic events could become more common. Researchers were surprised by the role of wetlands and drainage channels in irrigated wetlands in origin Read more about Frostquakes are a thing now – being found in the North[…]