DOJ vs Judge

Well, Blackberry has infringed patents and stuff and it’s illegal and stuff, but we can’t shut down Blackberry service in the US and stuff, because – it’s a hazard to national security, and there are 200,000 government users who absolutely NEED Blackberry or they’ll, like, die and stuff! How is this clash between the US Read more about DOJ vs Judge[…]

Geopolitical news and opinion

Random roundup of political news and opinion sites European Voice EU news, Eurocrats, opinions and current affairs. Excellent site for tracking what’s happening in the EU on a political level. Le Monde Diplomatique Le Monde Diplomatique (English version) The French version is naturally better (more background, documentation, etc), but the English version is easier to Read more about Geopolitical news and opinion[…]

Google Earth threatens World Peace

.. or Democracy, or whatever. Anyway, El Reg reports that various militaries are somewhat uncomfortable with the detailed Earth Imagery presented on Google Maps/Earth. With some detailed images explaining exactly why they’re a bit nervous.. Good stuff! 4 pages, so keep reading.

US backs a Nuclear India

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Bush, in a dramatic policy shift, promised India full cooperation on Monday in developing its civilian nuclear power program without demanding that it sign a major nuclear arms control treaty. From Reuters What about Pakistan? They sure won’t be happy… will this jeapordise the ongoing peace processes that are finally progressing Read more about US backs a Nuclear India[…]