How to convert from Serendipity (s9y) 1.3.1 to WordPress

Unfortunately it proves to be quite a bit of hassle to do yourself. For some reason WordPress itself doesn’t have a Serendipity conversion filter in the import tools and Google has quite a bit of trouble finding the right one. So here’s the proper way to get your old blog’s content (including the second bit Read more about How to convert from Serendipity (s9y) 1.3.1 to WordPress[…]

Google Web Elements

Google wants you to put their tools into your website. So they’ve made it easy. Using elements, such as you probably have seen from Youtube embedded objects, they’ve gone and put maps, calendar, search, spreadsheets and a whole load more into this. Googlify your site!

All-Glass Firefox v2

All-Glass Firefox is a stylesheet for firefox that allows it to use the Windows Aero Glass effects, basically making your entire firefox transparent in Vista. For full useage they reccomend using the latest Firefox beta, but it works fine if you’re running stable as well.


Point this free app at your music library, tell it how many bpm you want it to look for and it will come up with a list of music. If you set the bpm between 120 – 140 you should get the perfect workout music playlist.


Bumptop changes your desktop into a physical type of room, with 3 walls and a desk. You can push things around the desk and create stacks of things very easily. Larger objects have more weight. It’s a neat concept, allthough I’m not sure how practical it is.

OneSwarm: Privacy preserving P2P

Although widely used, currently popular peer-to-peer (P2P) applications are limited by a lack of user privacy. By design, services like BitTorrent and Gnutella share data with anyone that asks for it, allowing a third-party to systematically monitor8 user behavior. As a result, P2P networks can only be safely used by those comfortable with wholly public Read more about OneSwarm: Privacy preserving P2P[…]


This is some amazing software that will make your psp (custom firmware) run as an extra windows monitor / display. Apparently it’s also possible to tether the playstation to your PC with wifi instead of USB…


Photography: TiltShiftMaker Turns Your Photos Into Miniature Sets Upload a photo and it’ll alter the picture so that it looks like the front lens is at an angle instead of parallel to the rear lens in the casing.