First Ornithopter flies

An ornithopter is an aircraft that flies by flapping its’ wings. Surprisingly this has never been done before, despite drawings of whacked out genius mr. da Vinci. After 30 years of trying Dr. James DeLaurier and his team managed a 14 second powered manned flight. What a sight that must have been.

KITT in a video clip

I’d heard rumours that David Hasslehoff made music and had some ego problems, but that left me unprepared for his latest foray into the realm of popular culture. wtf? Take your time and watch the whole thing.

Repliee Q2

Repliee Q2 is a real doll with sensors, microphones, camera’s, recognition software and facial expressions allowing it to talk quite convincingly. There are quicktime move links to show her speaking and interacting on the site.

North Korea Test Firings

The North has been having a field day, launching seven missles after a moratorium starting from 1998, when they fired a medium range missle over Japan. The ranges they fired aren’t reported, but apparently the long range missle failed.